Wednesday, December 19, 2012

let's know some information aboute important things

Why is Google Called Google?

Googol is the mathematical term for a 1 followed by 100 zeros. The term was coined by Milton Sirotta, nephew of American mathematician Edward Kasner, and was popularized in the book, “Mathematics and the Imagination” by Kasner and James Newman. Google’s play on the term reflects the company’s mission to organize the immense amount of information available on the web.”
is indeed derived from Googol
Yes, that is 100 zeros!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

name: ahmed wazer                                                                                   nov 2012
category : refrence ellipsoid                                                                       from nima july 1996
From NIMA 8350.2 4 July 1977  and MADTRAN 1 October 1996 REFERENCE ELLIPSOIDS
EllipsoidSemi-major axis  1/flattening
Airy 1830,6377563.396 299.3249646
Modified Airy6377340.189 299.3249646
Australian National 6378160298.25
Bessel 1841 (Namibia) 6377483.865299.1528128
Bessel 18416377397.155 299.1528128
Clarke 1866,6378206.4 294.9786982
Clarke 1880,6378249.145 293.465
Everest (India 1830)"  6377276.345300.8017 
Everest (Sabah Sarawak)  6377298.556300.8017 
Everest (India 1956) 6377301.243300.8017 
Everest (Malaysia 1969)  6377295.664300.8017 
Everest (Malay. & Sing)  6377304.063300.8017 
Everest (Pakistan) 6377309.613300.8017 
Modified Fischer 1960 6378155298.3 
Helmert 19066378200  298.3
Hough 19606378270  297
Indonesian 19746378160  298.247
International 1924 6378388297 
Krassovsky 19406378245  298.3
GRS 806378137  298.257222101
South American 1969 6378160298.25 
WGS 726378135  298.26
WGS 846378137  298.257223563
Geodetic Datum Transformation Parameters (Local to WGS-84)
d = delta in meters; e = error estimate in meters; #S = number of satellite measurement stations

Datum  Ellipsoid dXdYdZ Region of use eX eYeZ  #S
AdindanClarke 1880-118  -14218Burkina Faso  252525 1
AdindanClarke 1880-134  -2210Cameroon  252525 1
AdindanClarke 1880-165  -11206Ethiopia  333 8
AdindanClarke 1880-123  -20220Mali  252525 1
AdindanClarke 1880-166  -15204MEAN FOR Ethiopia; Sudan  553 22
AdindanClarke 1880-128  -18224Senegal  252525 2
AdindanClarke 1880-161  -14205Sudan  353 14
AfgooyeKrassovsky 1940 -43-16345 Somalia2525 251
Ain el Abd 1970International 1924  -150-250-1  Bahrain2525  252
Ain el Abd 1970International 1924  -143-236 Saudi Arabia1010  109
American Samoa 1962Clarke 1866  -115118426  American Samoa Islands25 25252
Anna 1 Astro 1965Australian National  -491-22435  Cocos Islands2525  251
Antigua Island Astro 1943Clarke 1880  -2701362  Antigua (Leeward Islands)25  25251
Arc 1950Clarke 1880 -138-105-289  Botswana3 39
Arc 1950Clarke 1880 -153-5-292 Burundi2020 203
Arc 1950Clarke 1880 -125-108-295  Lesotho3 85
Arc 1950Clarke 1880 -161-73-317 Malawi924 86
Arc 1950Clarke 1880 -143-90-294 MEAN FOR Botswana; Lesotho; Malawi; Swaziland; Zaire; Zambia; Zimbabwe  203320 41
Arc 1950Clarke 1880 -134-105-295  Swaziland1515  154
Arc 1950Clarke 1880 -169-19-278 Zaire2525 252
Arc 1950Clarke 1880 -147-74-283 Zambia2121 275
Arc 1950Clarke 1880 -142-96-293 Zimbabwe58 1110
Arc 1960Clarke 1880 -160-6-302 MEAN FOR Kenya; Tanzania20 202025
Arc 1960Clarke 1880 -157-2-299 Kenya43 324
Arc 1960Clarke 1880 -175-23-303 Taanzania69 1012
Ascension Island 1958International 1924  -20510753  Ascension Island2525  252
Astro Beacon E 1945International 1924  14575-272  Iwo Jima2525  251
Astro DOS 71/4International 1924  -320550-494  St Helena Island2525  251
Astro Tern Island (FRIG) 1961International 1924  114-116-333  Tern Island2525  251
Astronomical Station 1952International 1924  124-234-25  Marcus Island2525  251
Australian Geodetic 1966Australian National  -133-48148  Australia; Tasmania3 33105
Australian Geodetic 1984Australian National  -134-48149  Australia; Tasmania2 2290
Ayabelle LighthouseClarke 1880  -79-129145  Djibouti2525  251
Bellevue (IGN)International 1924  -127-769472  Efate & Erromango Islands20  20203
Bermuda 1957Clarke 1866 -73213296 Bermuda2020 203
BissauInternational 1924  -17325327  Guinea-Bissau2525  252
Bogota ObservatoryInternational 1924  307304-318  Colombia6 67
Bukit RimpahBessel 1841 -384664-48 Indonesia (Bangka & Belitung Ids)-1  -1-10
Camp Area AstroInternational 1924  -104-129239  Antarctica (McMurdo Camp Area)-1  -1-10
Campo InchauspeInternational 1924  -14813690  Argentina5 520
Canton Astro 1966International 1924  298-304-375  Phoenix Islands1515  154
CapeClarke 1880-136  -108-292South Africa  366 5
Cape CanaveralClarke 1866  -2151181  Bahamas; Florida3 319
CarthageClarke 1880 -2636431 Tunisia69 85
Chatham Island Astro 1971International 1924  175-38113  New Zealand (Chatham Island)15  15154
Chua AstroInternational 1924  -134229-29  Paraguay6 56
Corrego AlegreInternational 1924  -206172-6  Brazil5 517
DabolaClarke 1880-83  37124Guinea  151515 4
Deception IslandClarke 1880  26012-147  Deception Island; Antarctia20  20203
Djakarta (Batavia)Bessel 1841  -377681-50  Indonesia (Sumatra)3 335
DOS 1968International 1924  230-199-752  New Georgia Islands (Gizo Island)25  25251
Easter Island 1967International 1924  211147111  Easter Island2525  251
Estonia; Coordinate System 1937Bessel 1841  374150588  Estonia2 319
European 1950International 1924  -104-101-140  Cyprus1515  154
European 1950International 1924  -130-117-151  Egypt6 814
European 1950International 1924  -86-96-120  England; Channel Islands; Scotland; Shetland Islands  333 40
European 1950International 1924  -86-96-120  England; Ireland; Scotland; Shetland Islands  333 47
European 1950International 1924  -87-95-120  Finland; Norway3 320
European 1950International 1924  -84-95-130  Greece2525  252
European 1950International 1924  -117-132-164  Iran912  1127
European 1950International 1924  -97-103-120  Italy (Sardinia)2525  252
European 1950International 1924  -97-88-135  Italy (Sicily)2020  203
European 1950International 1924  -107-88-149  Malta2525  251
European 1950International 1924  -87-98-121  MEAN FOR Austria; Belgium; Denmark; Finland; France; W Germany; Gibraltar; Greece; Italy; Luxembourg; Netherlands; Norway; Portugal; Spain; Sweden; Switzerland  385 85
European 1950International 1924  -87-96-120  MEAN FOR Austria; Denmark; France; W Germany; Netherlands; Switzerland  333 52
European 1950International 1924  -103-106-141  MEAN FOR Iraq; Israel; Jordan; Lebanon; Kuwait; Saudi Arabia; Syria  -1-1-1 0
European 1950International 1924  -84-107-120  Portugal; Spain5 318
European 1950International 1924  -112-77-145  Tunisia2525  254
European 1979International 1924  -86-98-119  MEAN FOR Austria; Finland; Netherlands; Norway; Spain; Sweden; Switzerland  333 22
Fort Thomas 1955Clarke 1880  -7215225  Nevis; St. Kitts (Leeward Islands)25  25252
Gan 1970International 1924  -133-32150  Republic of Maldives25 25251
Geodetic Datum 1949International 1924  84-22209  New Zealand5 514
Graciosa Base SW 1948International 1924  -104167-38  Azores (Faial; Graciosa; Pico; Sao Jorge; Terceira)  333 5
Guam 1963Clarke 1866 -100-248259 Guam33 5
Gunung SegaraBessel 1841  -40368441  Indonesia (Kalimantan)-1 -1-10
GUX 1 AstroInternational 1924  252-209-751  Guadalcanal Island25 25251
Herat North+International 1924  -333-222114  Afghanistan-1-1  -1
Hermannskogel DatumBessel 1841 (Namibia)  653-212449  Croatia -Serbia, Bosnia-Herzegovina  -1 -1-1 0
Hjorsey 1955International 1924  -7346-86  Iceland3 66
Hong Kong 1963International 1924  -156-271-189  Hong Kong2525  252
Hu-Tzu-ShanInternational 1924  -637-549-203  Taiwan1515  154
IndianEverest (India 1830)  282726254  Bangladesh10 126
IndianEverest (India 1956)  295736257  India; Nepal1210  157
IndianEverest (Pakistan)  283682231  Pakistan-1-1  -10
Indian 1954Everest (India 1830)  217823299  Thailand15 1211
Indian 1960Everest (India 1830)  182915344  Vietnam (Con Son Island)25  25251
Indian 1960Everest (India 1830)  198881317  Vietnam (Near 16øN)25  25252
Indian 1975Everest (India 1830)  210814289  Thailand3 362
Indonesian 1974Indonesian 1974  -24-15 Indonesia2525  251
Ireland 1965Modified Airy  506-122611  Ireland3 37
ISTS 061 Astro 1968International 1924  -794119-298  South Georgia Islands25 25251
ISTS 073 Astro 1969International 1924  208-435-229  Diego Garcia2525  252
Johnston Island 1961International 1924  189-79-202  Johnston Island2525  251
KandawalaEverest (India 1830)  -9778786  Sri Lanka2020  203
Kerguelen Island 1949International 1924  145-187103  Kerguelen Island2525  251
Kertau 1948Everest (Malay. & Sing)  -11851 West Malaysia & Singapore10  866
Kusaie Astro 1951International 1924  6471777-1124  Caroline Islands2525  251
Korean Geodetic SystemGRS 80  000 South Korea2 212
L. C. 5 Astro 1961Clarke 1866  42124147  Cayman Brac Island25 25251
LeigonClarke 1880-130  29364Ghana  232 8
Liberia 1964Clarke 1880 -904088 Liberia1515 154
LuzonClarke 1866-133  -77-51Philippines (Excluding Mindanao)  8119 6
LuzonClarke 1866-133  -79-72Philippines (Mindanao)  252525 1
M'PoralokoClarke 1880 -74-13042 Gabon2525 251
Mahe 1971Clarke 1880 41-220-134 Mahe Island2525  251
MassawaBessel 1841639  40560Ethiopia (Eritrea)  252525 1
MerchichClarke 1880 3114647 Morocco53 39
Midway Astro 1961International 1924  912-581227  Midway Islands2525  251
MinnaClarke 1880-81  -84115Cameroon  252525 2
MinnaClarke 1880-92  -93122Nigeria  365 6
Montserrat Island Astro 1958Clarke 1880  174359365  Montserrat (Leeward Islands)25  25251
NahrwanClarke 1880-247  -148369Oman (Masirah Island)  252525 2
NahrwanClarke 1880-243  -192477Saudi Arabia  202020 3
NahrwanClarke 1880-249  -156381United Arab Emirates  252525 2
Naparima BWIInternational 1924  -10375165  Trinidad & Tobago15 15154
North American 1927Clarke 1866  -5135172  Alaska (Excluding Aleutian Ids) 9547
North American 1927Clarke 1866  -2152149  Alaska (Aleutian Ids East of 180øW) 6810
North American 1927Clarke 1866  2204105  Alaska (Aleutian Ids West of 180øW) 101010
North American 1927Clarke 1866  -4154178  Bahamas (Except San Salvador Id) 3511
North American 1927Clarke 1866  1140165  Bahamas (San Salvador Island)25  25251
North American 1927Clarke 1866  -7162188  Canada (Alberta; British Columbia) 8625
North American 1927Clarke 1866  -9157184  Canada (Manitoba; Ontario) 5525
North American 1927Clarke 1866  -22160190  Canada (New Brunswick; Newfoundland; Nova Scotia; Quebec)  663 37
North American 1927Clarke 1866  4159188  Canada (Northwest Territories; Saskatchewan)  553 17
North American 1927Clarke 1866  -7139181  Canada (Yukon)5 38
North American 1927Clarke 1866  0125201  Canal Zone2020  203
North American 1927Clarke 1866  -9152178  Cuba2525  251
North American 1927Clarke 1866  11114195  Greenland (Hayes Peninsula)25  25252
North American 1927Clarke 1866  -3142183  MEAN FOR Antigua; Barbados; Barbuda; Caicos Islands; Cuba; Dominican Republic; Grand Cayman; Jamaica; Turks Islands  3912 15
North American 1927Clarke 1866  0125194  MEAN FOR Belize; Costa Rica; El Salvador; Guatemala; Honduras; Nicaragua  835 19
North American 1927Clarke 1866  -10158187  MEAN FOR Canada1511  6112
North American 1927Clarke 1866  -8160176  MEAN FOR CONUS5 6405
North American 1927Clarke 1866  -9161179  MEAN FOR CONUS (East of Mississippi; River Including Louisiana; Missouri; Minnesota)  558 129
North American 1927Clarke 1866  -8159175  MEAN FOR CONUS (West of Mississippi; River Excluding Louisiana; Minnesota; Missouri)  533 276
North American 1927Clarke 1866  -12130190  Mexico8 622
North American 1983GRS 80  000 Alaska (Excluding Aleutian Ids) 2242
North American 1983GRS 80  -204 Aleutian Ids5 54
North American 1983GRS 80  000 Canada22 296
North American 1983GRS 80  000 CONUS22 2216
North American 1983GRS 80  11-1 Hawaii22 26
North American 1983GRS 80  000 Mexico; Central America2 225
North Sahara 1959Clarke 1880  -186-93310  Algeria2525  253
Observatorio Meteorologico 1939International 1924  -425-16981  Azores (Corvo & Flores Islands)20  20203
Old Egyptian 1907Helmert 1906  -130110-13  Egypt3 814
Old HawaiianClarke 1866 89-279-183 Hawaii2525 252
Old HawaiianClarke 1866 45-290-172 Kauai2020 203
Old HawaiianClarke 1866 65-290-190 Maui2525 252
Old HawaiianClarke 1866 61-285-181 MEAN FOR Hawaii; Kauai; Maui; Oahu25  202015
Old HawaiianClarke 1866 58-283-182 Oahu106 68
OmanClarke 1880-346  -1224Oman  339 7
Ordnance Survey Great Britain 1936Airy 1830  371-112434  England5 621
Ordnance Survey Great Britain 1936Airy 1830  371-111434  England; Isle of Man; Wales10  101525
Ordnance Survey Great Britain 1936Airy 1830  375-111431  MEAN FOR England; Isle of Man; Scotland; Shetland Islands; Wales  101015 38
Ordnance Survey Great Britain 1936Airy 1830  384-111425  Scotland; Shetland Islands10  101013
Ordnance Survey Great Britain 1936Airy 1830  370-108434  Wales2020  203
Pico de las NievesInternational 1924  -307-92127  Canary Islands2525  251
Pitcairn Astro 1967International 1924  18516542  Pitcairn Island2525  251
Point 58Clarke 1880 -106-129165 MEAN FOR Burkina Faso & Niger25  25251
Pointe Noire 1948Clarke 1880  -14851-291  Congo2525  251
Porto Santo 1936International 1924  -499-249314  Porto Santo; Madeira Islands25  25252
Provisional South American 1956International 1924  -270188-388  Bolivia511  145
Provisional South American 1956International 1924  -270183-390  Chile (Northern; Near 19øS)25  25251
Provisional South American 1956International 1924  -305243-442  Chile (Southern; Near 43øS)20  20203
Provisional South American 1956International 1924  -282169-371  Colombia1515  154
Provisional South American 1956International 1924  -278171-367  Ecuador3 311
Provisional South American 1956International 1924  -298159-369  Guyana614  59
Provisional South American 1956International 1924  -288175-376  MEAN FOR Bolivia; Chile; Colombia; Ecuador; Guyana; Peru; Venezuela  172727 63
Provisional South American 1956International 1924  -279175-379  Peru68 126
Provisional South American 1956International 1924  -295173-371  Venezuela914  1524
Provisional South Chilean 1963International 1924  1619693  Chile (Near 53øS) (Hito XVIII)25  25252
Puerto RicoClarke 1866 1172-101 Puerto Rico; Virgin Islands3 3311
Pulkovo 1942Krassovsky 1940  28-130-95  Russia-1-1  -10
Qatar NationalInternational 1924  -128-28322  Qatar2020  203
QornoqInternational 1924  164138-189  Greenland (South)2525  322
ReunionInternational 1924  94-948-1262  Mascarene Islands2525  251
Rome 1940International 1924  -225-65 Italy (Sardinia)2525  251
S-42 (Pulkovo 1942)Krassovsky 1940  28-121-77  Hungary2 25
S-42 (Pulkovo 1942)Krassovsky 1940  23-124-82  Poland4 411
S-42 (Pulkovo 1942)Krassovsky 1940  26-121-78  Czechoslavakia3 26
S-42 (Pulkovo 1942)Krassovsky 1940  24-124-82  Latvia2 25
S-42 (Pulkovo 1942)Krassovsky 1940  15-130-84  Kazakhstan2525  252
S-42 (Pulkovo 1942)Krassovsky 1940  24-130-92  Albania3 37
S-42 (Pulkovo 1942)Krassovsky 1940  28-121-77  Romania3 34
S-JTSKBessel 1841589  76480Czechoslavakia (Prior 1 JAN 1993)  423 6
Santo (DOS) 1965International 1924  1704284  Espirito Santo Island25 25251
Sao BrazInternational 1924  -20314153  Azores (Sao Miguel; Santa Maria Ids)25  25252
Sapper Hill 1943International 1924  -3552172  East Falkland Island1 115
SchwarzeckBessel 1841 (Namibia)  61697-251  Namibia2020  203
Selvagem Grande 1938International 1924  -289-12460  Salvage Islands2525  251
Sierra Leone 1960Clarke 1880  -884101  Sierra Leone1515  158
South American 1969South American 1969  -62-1-37  Argentina5 510
South American 1969South American 1969  -612-48  Bolivia1515  154
South American 1969South American 1969  -60-2-41  Brazil3 522
South American 1969South American 1969  -75-1-44  Chile15 119
South American 1969South American 1969  -446-36  Colombia6 57
South American 1969South American 1969  -483-44  Ecuador3 311
South American 1969South American 1969  -4726-42  Ecuador (Baltra; Galapagos)25  25251
South American 1969South American 1969  -533-47  Guyana9 55
South American 1969South American 1969  -571-41  MEAN FOR Argentina; Bolivia; Brazil; Chile; Colombia; Ecuador; Guyana; Paraguay; Peru; Trinidad & Tobago; Venezuela  1569 84
South American 1969South American 1969  -612-33  Paraguay1515  154
South American 1969South American 1969  -580-44  Peru55 56
South American 1969South American 1969  -4512-33  Trinidad & Tobago25 25251
South American 1969South American 1969  -458-33  Venezuela3 35
South AsiaModified Fischer 1960  7-10-26  Singapore2525  251
Tananarive Observatory 1925International 1924  -189-242-91  Madagascar-1-1  -10
Timbalai 1948Everest (Sabah Sarawak)  -679669-48  Brunei; E. Malaysia (Sabah Sarawak)10  10128
TokyoBessel 1841-148  507685Japan  858 16
TokyoBessel 1841-148  507685MEAN FOR Japan; South Korea; Okinawa  20520 31
TokyoBessel 1841-158  507676Okinawa  20520 3
TokyoBessel 1841-147  506687South Korea  222 29
Tristan Astro 1968International 1924  -632438-609  Tristan da Cunha2525  251
Viti Levu 1916Clarke 1880  51391-36  Fiji (Viti Levu Island)25  25251
Voirol 1960Clarke 1880 -123-206219 Algeria2525 252
Wake Island Astro 1952International 1924  276-57149  Wake Atoll2525  252
Wake-Eniwetok 1960Hough 1960  10252-38  Marshall Islands3 310
WGS 1972WGS 72 00Global Definition  -1-1-1 0
WGS 1984WGS 84 00Global Definition  -1-1-1 0
YacareInternational 1924  -15517137  Uruguay-1-1  -10
ZanderijInternational 1924 -265120-358 Suriname55 8